Sunday, December 18, 2005


Here's another one that I wrote a while ago, but haven't posted for some reason. Tonight i was thinking about it again, so i figured i'd post it tonight.

I found myself humbled…again (that seems to be happening a lot lately). Yesterday I was thinking of how God chooses to reveal His glory through US! That amazes me. Anyway, today I was thinking of how I am not very good at loving people that disagree with me about certain theological points of view. Primarily, those who don’t believe that any of the gifts of the spirit are for today, and those who don’t believe in free will. The irony is that I handle differences with people who are not Christians just fine. But to those who are members of the body of Christ, I seem to lack fellowship with them and lack some love towards them. I prayed about it and asked God to transform my way of thinking and whatever was wrong in my heart. I realized that the most important thing is for people to come to know Jesus and for them to be loved. As the church, we should come together and love one another well. Then go out and love the world well. I know that’s probably basic Christianity, so you know all of that already, but I guess it’s just sin confessing time for me or something.

I was watching 3 wishes on tv the other night and it got me thinking (it doesn’t take much). I really believe God wants to heal people. Heal them of what? Of everything. Blindness, cancer, physical deformities, emotional healing, etc. However, I have spent so much time studying about that and thinking about it, I have forgotten something of equal importance, if not more so. I thought of how essential it is to enhance the quality of people’s lives, even in the midst of their struggles (whatever those struggles are). The show moves me to take time and think about ways that I can love people, especially those who are downtrodden (do we still use that word in our language today?), and put smiles on people’s faces and just help them enjoy their lives in times that it may be difficult.

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