Tuesday, August 09, 2005

the ugly duckling

Personal frustration It's been a while since my last entry. Too much is going on externally and internally to even know what to write about. Many changes are taking place in the near future. I will be changing my living situation and location. But I am not sure when or any of the details behind it as of yet. I may be changing my church. I'm not sure yet, but i guess we'll see shortly. I may be changing my job as well. If so, am I getting another job? Going to seminary? I don't know. Either way, I need some money so that if I don't get married some day I will at least have enough money to adopt and raise a kid myself. I will have my own family even if I have to construct it myself dammit! (yes I just swore, get over it). Having faith that God will help me out in this area is tough for me right now I admit. He's always been faithful, yet my pain pushes me closer to doubt. I feel like for me to have an opportunity to experience mutual love with a girl, it will have to come from me doing everything just right and making it happen myself. That's a bad way to feel and too much pressure. I won't go into my sob story about how I feel like girls just don't see what I great guy I am. But...THEY DON'T! Yes, many of you who know me can attest I have many many annoying attributes that are a part of who I am. Whether it's my body that you find replusing or my sense of humor that irks you so, i don't care. My body is finely chiseled machine and I make myself laugh. Nevertheless (or is it nonetheless, i can never remember) I don't feel valued, understood or appreciated for who I truly am and what I have to offer. When you feel like nobody gets you, it sucks. I wasn't made to be alone, and though I am trying to learn and grow in the season I am in, I have grown quite annoyed by the season and want it changed (much like my roommate who is hating summer and is eagerly anticipating and longing for fall). I feel like I have a lot to offer in a relationship...hell, i feel like i have a lot to offer to the world. But still, for some reason, I just keep flowing along with me life, letting time pass me by. At times, hiding from life because it doesn't hurt as much when I hide. Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself. Or maybe I am just lonely without anyone to share myself with. There is someone who genuinely seems to understand many frustrations, but she is married and I have to be careful getting to close to her. I am sure there are others too, but right now I just feel lost with the whole thing. I just don't feel like i fit in anywhere. It's not that I feel like the world is passing me by and everyone is going on ahead without me. Instead I feel like I am charting waters that have not often been crossed and nobody will go with me. I feel like the odd (ugly) duckling who just doesn't have a place to swim (nor anyone to swim with).


Anonymous said...

They say that when things are the darkest, God is nearer than ever before, he will bring you through it.
Don't lose your faith. I wish I had something to say that would ease your mind, but I don't except that there are two people that love you and think your great. Dad

Anonymous said...

You are a unique individual--passionate, sensitive, funny, fun to be with--and have a lot to offer the world and the right woman. Keep the faith!

The D said...

I'm not going to be sappy. You're treading in waters that have been churned by a countless number of arms before, including mine. The feeling of not fitting in is a common thread within human nature.
What I found interesting, besides the finely chiseled machine part (it's true everyone!), is that you said:
"hell, i feel like i have a lot to offer to the world."
I'll show you where the Shift button is later. :-) Anyway, you do have a lot to offer to the world, and I wish you were concentrating more on that instead of concentrating on the girl issue. If you have a lot to offer the world, then put your hands up and offer it. That doesn't depend on a relationship status.
Let's do something big, let's go out on a limb, take a chance, do something drastic to show the world who you are and what you can offer it.
One last thing, your perspective is what determines how you feel and how you look at things. Don't forget little Stewart.

Anonymous said...

I second "the d"'s comment. amen, brother!