Ahh...this is too funny. This guy would so get a job in my field:) OK, so I need a new job where I will make more money. I am not vain nor am i all into money. However, I don't see how I will ever be able to save money (and eventually help supply for my family) when I get paid in peanuts. So does anyone know of any jobs out there?
How difficult it is to love others while being wronged by them! How difficult it is to be humble, to not fight for "what is rightfully yours" (after all, you don't deserve to be treated like this!), how difficult it is to not defend yourself, or talk behind someone's back. I have spent time alone with God asking if there is something that I need to repent of. Asking Him if I am in the wrong...and to the best of my knowledge, I don't think so. But that doesn't matter. The heart of Jesus intrigues me. I don't understand how He could live in this world and respond to people the way He did. Hm...
Lastly, I spoke before about the fact that we all have certain needs. I will go one step further and say that we all have many God-given needs. The need for peace, the need for physical and emotional and spiritual intimacy with someone of the opposite sex, and many other needs. OK. Needs that we have are not bad, after all, they are God-given. The needs are good, the problem is the manner in which we attend to getting those needs met. For example, the person who drowns their nights away in alcohol to "forget about this world" and to seek a form of peace (even if it is a state of ignorant bliss) have needs that they are trying to meet in a manner that will not ultimately satisfy their needs, but mask their craving for it. The need to be loved and feel loved is the reason many people have sex before marriage. A healthy need being met in an unhealthy way. I don't blame people for doing these things. I am not a sheltered individual. I am not delusional either (i don't think). Life is rough, and sometimes we take what we can get. Though there is a better way that will lead to wholeness, it's not always that easy to see. That's it for now. GOODNIGHT!
I could do some real damage with that cartoon. How appropriate for SOME people!
Oh yeah - before I forget... thanks for last night. It was incredible.
Hello, Matt. I enjoyed reading through your blog, very interesting perspectives on a lot of things...I can relate to a lot of your views. You've got some good thoughts here, I look forward to reading more :)
Helena (littlehp)
I agree with you , we all need to be loved, accepted, and understood. I now realize that that's all I was looking for when I would drink into oblivion, forget the world and all the rotten things that are in it and the people that don't know that you need their love, but the love of God has changed all of this and I have the love, understanding,from my family and they accept me, even with all my faults. Thanks Be To God. Larry
Hey, good thoughts Matt.
I too owe you a thanks for last night.
Also, what a great idea you've hit upon. Did you just recently realize this or is it just written now because of the blog?
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