Except for a rare exception, I haven't been able to write much since I promised that I wouldn't complain or vent...hm...interesting:) Just kidding. OK, this is what I've been up to. Yesterday I played golf. I shot a 58 on a par 35 golf course (9 holes obviously). That's 23 over par...and I'm happy about it. I realize that's pathetic and sad, but i don't care:) I will not talk about going to the gym in my effort to gain weight and I will not talk about my future moving plans. Both of those are frustrating right now and I am keeping this blog happy:) see my smile?
I saw the "movie"/documentary March of the Penguins. I did enjoy it, as I thought the penguins, especially the babies were absolutely adoreable...but seeing some of the penguins turn into popsicles in the freezing cold weather made me pretty bummed. I'm always amazed at how different animals mate, get food, nurture their young, and live their lives in general. Sometimes it's fascinating just observing the manner in which they do things. It's not that I'm impressed so much by the intellect of the animals, but just by their natural, God given sense of how to live...to survive. I've recently learned that cheetas, due to their fast metabolism, only have 3 good sprints in them to catch food. If they don't get the catch by the third try, they die. Sometimes I feel like a cheetah! Lions are a bit luckier. They have five days. The first time they go out to catch some food, they sneak up on their prey and they sprint out way to early giving all the other animals a huge headstart. The second time the lion goes out he gets a little smarter. He sneaks up on them, but when he starts chasing after them, he gets tunnel vision and will only go after the one animal he is locked in on and will end up ignoring all the other ones flying by his face. By the third try, the lion's vision expands and he catches his prey. Point is, how amazing for these animals to have this sense where they can develop these skills and learn so quickly. Granted, their survival is dependant upon it, but still, I'd love to learn things that quick.
Lastly, there are a few cultures in South America that, quite understandably, have a different sort of dress code than we do. We here in North America will cover up certain parts of our bodies so that we are not seen as being naked. No more detail is neccesary. Now, in those remote places in South America, they will wear a cord around their waist. Yes, just a cord. When asked why they wear the cord, they respond by saying, "What, and be naked?!"
so... moving option #16: A remote village in S. America where your preferred style of dress will be fully accepted?
You just may be on to something!
There's an extra room in my house Matt. Scrape together some mula and fly here. You're automatically visa-ed for up to 21 days.
Maybe you could start by wearing your tux, but then have a spontaneous (and completely unwarranted) Superbowl dance.
Are you the lion cheetah (lyin' cheata' to those of you not up on those things)? Ah, terrible puns: how I've missed thee.
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