Monday night--It strikes me funny how I get as many comments on my 4 sentence power outage blog, as when I wrote a huge story about being "undone." odd. Anyway, i have many feelings/emotions right now, none of which i will share. I, the writer of this entry, deem it best to not say anything at all, especially since I don't have anything good to say. I have a day off tomorrow and have tons of work i have to get done. I wish a day off could be a day off. I go to my job and I work. I come home on a day off, and I work. I may need some fun and excitement in my life.
Tuesday night--I am so tired of hearing that atrocities, bad things that happen to good people, and other terrible "unfair" things that happen in this world are the reasons some people have (religion) faith in a God and why other's do not. First off, I'll clear up a misconception about Christians. The reason that Christians believe in God, specifically Jesus, is not because we need a crutch for comfort during difficult times. We believe in Him because He is true and He is real. Christianity makes a truth claim and that is it. Love it or leave it. Second, I cannot express in words how much it irks me that people do not believe in God because of atrocities (ie. tsunami). I am not mad at people who cannot believe in God because of this. Hey, if I thought, like many calvinists, that God was behind every act, working it all out for an ultimate good, then I wouldn't want any part of God either. That is the normal Christian view nowadays, but I think it is a gross misrepresentation of God's character. God can redeem evil, but He is not the author or the cause of it. C.S. Lewis stated, "every square inch of the cosmos is claimed by Satan and counterclaimed by God." In case you can't tell, we are living in a battlefield, not just a nice little world preparing us for heaven. I won't go into my treatise on this right now, but suffice it to say that any non-christian who is having a hard time believing in a God who would take their dad away when they were five, or kill thousands of people in a tsunami, or give someone a terminal illness, then I have to say, I don't believe in that God either! I believe in the God that the Bible depicts through the person of Jesus. I will carry this thought deeper at another time. I just wanted to get out my frustration over a popular, yet incorrect view (in my opinion) of God.
i agree, but we talk about this often, so you already knew that. :)
I agree with you, it's funny how every thing that is bad is blamed on God but when some thing good happens they say it's luck. I at one time thought like so many others, but after some of our talks on things that happen I have a different outlook on these matters, a lot of people give up on God, I pray God doesn't feel the same about them.
so spread the good news that God is good, and the great joy is...we don't have to feel like we're lying when we say it!
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