There are people dying, people very very sick, people without two pennies (wow I am glad I read this over before posting it) to rub together (by the way, if one had two pennies, why would they spend their time rubbing them doesn't make sense...unless they are trying to cause friction to produce heat! I'm a certified genius). So, what do i have to complain about? I have a lot to be thankful for, yet still I feel miserable. Perhaps I am a little spoiled. I confess that to be a possibility. I just don't know how to get over this "feeling." I know how I should feel and what I should do and that I shouldn't focus on the negative, but really just focus on whatever it is that my life is supossed to be about. With that perspective, i must actually be feeling really well...right? I went to work for a couple hours today, then to the gym, then to play a round of golf (in a very muddy, wet was a lot of fun!), then out to eat at 99, then to the beach, then to my apartment. I am trying...I really am! I'm trying to go out and not just sit in my room. I'm trying to be around people. I'm trying to research some different groups so that perhaps I could get involved with some like minded people. So far things just aren't going that well. I like having my alone time, but when I do EVERYTHING alone, it gets depressing. People are wired differently and I am wired in such a manner that I don't function well that way. I am trying to spend time with others, but that does not by default cure loneliness. It just cures isolation. Sometimes loneliness is magnified when NOT in isolation, which i don't understand.
When I got to my apartment after my eventful day, I was welcomed by a large group of college aged kids who were having a loud party downstairs. I remembered my college days when I could fit 10 of my closest friends all in a room and play games. I thought of how to include myself in their party when I realized that I could not possibly conceive of a way to pull that off and not make it the most awkard thing in the world for everyone involved. My roommate, whom I don't see except on the weekends when his girlfriend is over, was in his room spending some time with his special lady friend. I think they were watching a movie, and I would have liked to have watched it with them, but they were definitely sending out the "do not disturb" vibe.
I know everyone says that you can't compare people's problems. "The grass is always greener on the other side" and the magnitude of problems are really "in the eye of the beholder" (or perhaps the bearer of the problem). Everyone says they know how i feel, but you don't. I don't know how you feel. However, the nagging, constant ache in one's my heart, due to loneliness is becoming overwhelming. It reveals itself the most in not having a girlfriend to really share my life with and with whom I can lavish my love on. In the past few weeks, I realized that a wife can understand who you are and know more about you than anyone else in the world...and still can't fully know you. As Donald Miller says in Blue Like Jazz, "there's some places only God can go." Seeing it from that light gave me a healthier perspective on marriage, and yet made me long for it all the more. I expect life to be much more difficult with a wife and with children. However, more fulfilling and rich as well. Being able to pour your life loving your family is one of the greatest blessings we have and best examples of the heart and intimacy of God. That life with be much more challenging, but deep in my soul, I long to fight and be a warrior for the heart of my wife and my child. Which brings me to a quick side note:
In the movie Amadeus, the life of Mozart was told. Mozart, the God-inspired musician was deeply envied by Antonio Salieri. Antonio Salieri wanted to praise God through composing, and he couldn't understand why the Lord seemed to have put His hand of blessing on Mozart, who Salieri saw as a vulgar creature. Salieri got pissed at Mozart and he got pissed at God. One line in particular stuck with me...though I can't remember it word for word, I can pull off a loose translation (maybe it didn't stick with me so well). Salieri cries out to God, "Why have you given me such desire to compose the most beautiful symphonies for you, but not provide me with the ability. I realize the parallel can break down at points, but it doesn't matter. It makes me think of my future wife (see, I can be positive!). I have a strong desire to marry (I believe solid/good reasons) and even believe I have God-given gifts in being a father and a husband. Yet, I feel like I lack the opportunity. While I don't picture myself cursing God and making it a point to be God's enemy anytime soon, I can't help but relate to Salieris' frustration.
I know married couples have problems, many of which are far worse than any of my daily problems. However, they do have one thing. They have each other. The way it was supossed to be so that man didn't have to be alone in the world. God did that for a reason. Because loneliness is debilitating. When people are not loving and being loved in such an intimacy, humans will border on insanity. What can man do when that love is not in his forseeable horizon? Find a community to lessen his burden. Join together and encourage one another. What can man do when that community is not in his forseeable horizon? The common answer is to try to escape it. Do something that will make you forget how hurt you are. That will make you forget how lost you feel. Whether it's watching tv or doing drugs, anything that can just get you through another day. The road less traveled is this. To press through this dark season of the soul by going "balls to the wall" with God. (I love that expression even more when used in that context...haha). Sacrifice every possible means and vehicle that you use as a way to "escape" from how you feel. Refuse to escape. Confront the reality of life before you and be forced to feel, to hurt, to cry. Force yourself into the ever-waiting arms of Jesus.
Woohoo! Thanks for posting your writing.
I'm listening to Howie Day right now, and he has a lot of melancholy about women. You'd probably relate. Like Bon Jovi, but more mellow.
I just read your last post too. Do I know your roommate?
Are you interested in teaching kindergarden? Faith Davao needs a kindergarden teacher. The major bonus is this: I will be the only single guy in the community next year (and I'm officially spoken for). There will be gobs of single women though. Not exactly the noblest of reasons to go into missionary work, but God uses what's there, right? There is a married couple here where the wife came here (as a girlfriend) because the guy was here. That's legitimate, and no one here criticizes that. Of course if you showed up and said you were looking for a wife, it might not go over quite as well. But then, maybe it would. People here, many of them, delight in seeing the different ways God works. Do you really think he can't use this burning desire of yours to get you where he wants you?
Even if you don't want to work here, it would be cool to see you, if you have time and money to visit. I believe a round trip ticket could be had for somewhere's around 750$, depending on time of trip and other stuff. Change of scenery does wonders for the heart-sick (I know from experience).
Until you find your wife, you could pour out your love on others. Just not physically in every way, aiight?
I forgot to include this quote from David Copperfield: "More solitary than Robinson Crusoe, who had nobody to look at him and see that he was solitary." I know the idea of being more alone in a crowd. It's a part of why I'm not a big fan of big parties.
first - yay! you're writing again! for that i'm thankful.
second - i'm also thankful for your honesty ~ most deny what's going on with them, a few try to hide it but it's rare to be real and though your story feels like it's in the midst of the desert or storm right now (depending on how you look at it) your honesty is preparing the way for a powerful testimony that will bless others.
so keep calling on Him - being real with Him - and I (as well as others) will continue to pray for Him to answer, to deliver, to provide for you - to turn your mourning into dancing.
El capitan, I don't know why we don't email, but this always seems easier to me. Kingergarder... that's the one with a whole bunch of little kids running around right? I'm not sure I'd be very well suited for that, and I am looking into some seminary classes at the conwell (get me some good calvinist theology to balance me out:) However, the idea of visiting you is still very enticing. Though, while you are there I wouldn't throw away the idea of getting involved in something out your way. And you're right. God uses what's there, even if it's not the best of reasons. Our intentions are often flawed, but He redeems us by His grace. And you are right...He very well could use this burning desire to get me where He wants me. I guess I hadn't thought of that, but i imagine it could be true. Is there a "good time" of season to visit?
and...yes! my goal is to pour out my love on others. In this season of my life and when I am married! I just gotta get better at it:)
By the way, I'm encouaged that you aren't a fan of big parties either. Since we both feel the same way, then there must be some universal truth why big parties are evil!:) After all, when we agree on something it is truth.
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