OK, for the first time, i will not write about what is pressing and on my heart right now. It's kind of too frustrating and too much...I don't know. I'm sure you'll all get to read it soon though. aye.
I got one comment from someone on my extreme christianity blog. I am more than glad that I did not get many responses. There are very few men and women who are experiencing the kind of Spirit filled life that I was talking about in my blog, but I am convinced that God would like us all there. Unfortunately, there are also very few men and women who even understand what I was getting at in my blog. I was inquiring how we can get the power and love of God to flow through our lives in a much more profound manner. We're all in a process that God is working within us, but there's much more than we realize. We take comfort in the fact that wherever we are at spiritually is where God wants us. Hogwash! God wants us more consumed by Him so that we can be more blessed ourselves and bless others even more. Many may assume I am an ignorant 25 year old who doesn't get it. I pray many more will understand my heart and the heart of God. We too often just sit back and accept everything that happens as the perfect will of God for our lives, so we never battle against the things contrary to the will of God. That's not peace you experience, that's resignation! That's counterfeit peace. We're off picking daisies in the field while a battle wages on behind us. We don't get it. (I feel a few future blogs coming on). Praise God that I am dissatisfied with the status quo of religion.
Family: I came home mostly to spend some time with my parents before starting the next stage of my life. You know, spend some quality time with them. But I find myself annoying them to no end. Sure, I put a smile on their faces, but many times they want me to “leave them alone.” I understand their frustration. For example, today I ran around the house saying, “I’m the hug monster!” and requiring hugs from my mom and my dad. I know when you are five this may be cute or perhaps even the first or second time I do it now at age 25 (I’m an awful cute 25 year old), but after a while it gets old. I could act differently and I almost need to. I guess I am having a hard time being myself, while still trying to change certain things about me that annoy people. I do like who I am, but there are certain things that I recognize need to change. I guess I am just not sure how to change without going to extremes. One of the things that I don’t like about myself is that sometimes I seek attention. I guess it depends on my mood. Another thing i have to change is how i approach and interact with girls...but that's another blog for another time. Anyway, I'm a very playful individual and that is true when I am with my friends or with my parents, it doesn't matter. I guess I just have to learn how to temper that a little.
The "hug monster" is just so irrresistible though!
And I would rather have you like you are, than not have you at all we love you because you are who you are and if just stay as loving as you are, we can adjust.
Love Dad
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