*DELETED!!! I apparently made some hurtful remarks here, so I felt compelled to edit this blog. Since the comment was originally left on the blog, I will respond to it via my blog. The old entry that used to be here was meant as light-hearted and sarcastic as possible. I tried to blow things out of proportion in an attempt to get that across. However, it appears to have not been taken as lightly as I had hoped. I try to poke jabs at people in "good fun" without offending them, however, I do not always succeed in that. So when someone gets offended...more specifically...To the person who i offended: my bad. I apologize and will try to be more careful in the future. I ask for your forgiveness.
For some reason while i was away, I kept expecting to get more comments on my blog, though i hadn't written anything. A few points worthy of note while I was away: 1) Went to see Brian Regan in Hyannis. He's a terrific comedian, you should all check him out! He's great! 2) ...other minor things that you don't really care about reading, so I will spare you (yes this comment was "worthy of note."
http://www.whchurch.org/content/page_1.htm This is the website of Greg Boyd's church. Great stuff in here. I'd encourage you to go there and listen to his stuff, especially his sermon on 1/2/2005. Regardless, I will be sharing some of my thoughts surrounding certain issues in Christianity in my blogs to come. It may be provocative, thought provoking and maybe even invigorating. One thing it won't be is full of Christian clichés and platitudes. Hold on to your seats boys and girls, this will be funJ
Comments may now be forthcoming (for good or bad).
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