Monday, March 14, 2005


Holy crap...what a day. I got a call from a good friend this morning telling me that she is engaged. And since she may be the only one to actually read this, CONGRATULATIONS DEBBIE! That is very good to hear; I'm so happy for you:) On to other, less exciting news...Ministry time after church was great today. I got prayed for and had some good words spoken to me. Pretty encouraging stuff. I had a great lunch with some friends after church. I had a very nice talk with one of my closer friends, dena. I went to work today and watched three movies and slept through half of one...and i still worked just as much as my coworkers. Amazing:) Yet, i guess i can't complain if i watched three movies. I got back from work, had a good talk with my roommate, and we may write a book together. Now...I sleep. NIGHT!

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